If you have minor children, you will need to plan for them as part of your divorce or dissolution. As you think about what’s best for your children, it’s important to understand some of the key terms: custody, parenting time (also called visitation) and shared parenting. Once you decide what you’d like to ask for […]
Child Custody
Guardian Ad Litem
Guardian Ad Litem: A Brief Introduction Guardians ad litem, or GALs, are often appointed by the courts in family law cases (juvenile and domestic relations) to assist the court in determining what outcome would serve the child’s, or children’s best interests. A court may limit a GAL’s authority to investigate only limited matters or it […]
Shared Parenting
At Atkins And Atkins Attorneys at Law, we understand that every family is unique and that navigating the complexities of child custody decisions can be challenging. Our team of dedicated family law attorneys are here to help you understand the differences between shared parenting and sole custody so you can make the best decision for […]
What is an Unfit Parent?
At Atkins And Atkins Attorneys at Law, we understand that child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and stressful experiences. In the state of Ohio, custody proceedings between a parent and a nonparent may involve a determination of parental unsuitability, or whether a parent is considered “unfit” to have custody of their child. Parental Unsuitability […]
Understanding Child Abandonment in Ohio
At Atkins And Atkins Attorneys at Law, we understand that navigating the complexities of family law can be an emotionally challenging and confusing process. In the state of Ohio, one issue that may arise in family law cases is child abandonment. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of child abandonment, its implications, […]
Here’s how to make co-parenting your teen easier
Being a teenager is hard, and things can get much more complicated when parents divorce. But even if your teen seems ready to do things without your help, there are several things you can do to make his or her adolescence go more smoothly. Effectively co-parenting with your ex-spouse is a good place to start. […]
Creating a summer visitation schedule
As the summer months approach, parents may begin to consider how they will share custody when the kids are out of school. It is a good idea for families to make plans ahead of time to make the summer easier for everyone. When your family puts together a summer schedule, it is helpful to keep […]
What Parents Should Know Before Choosing Joint Physical Custody
In Ohio, children of divorce are able to live with both parents if the court grants the co-parents joint physical custody. When divorced parents have joint physical custody, their children stay at each of their homes for certain lengths of time set by the court. Joint physical custody doesn’t always mean equal time spent with […]
Pursuing custody rights as a father
The process of pursuing custody rights is complex, and for some people (such as fathers) it is especially difficult in some instances. For example, a father who wants to secure his custody rights with respect to a very young child often faces challenges in this regard, and at Atkins and Atkins Attorneys at Law, LLC, […]
Discussing a custody dispute with your child
Our law firm knows that custody disputes are very hard for many parents in Ohio. At Atkins and Atkins Attorneys at Law, LLC, we also realize that these disagreements are very difficult for many children as well. For some kids, such as those facing problems in school or other challenges in life, a custody dispute […]