Facing false accusations can be frightening — especially in the context of a family law dispute, such as a divorce, spousal support, or custody battle. You might feel powerless, worried that the judge or jury will believe the other party’s lies. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Below are five key […]
What’s the Difference Between Alimony and Spousal Support?
In Ohio, there’s no difference between alimony and spousal support. Both terms mean the same thing: payments one spouse makes to the other after a divorce. The purpose of these payments is to help the lower-earning or financially dependent spouse maintain stability and adjust to life after marriage. While “alimony” is the older term, Ohio […]
Does Polyamory Lead To Divorce In Columbus, OH?
In Columbus, where the divorce rate stands at 2.4 per 1,000 residents, marriage follows a traditional path shaped by centuries of law and cultural norms. The legal system tends to work smoothly for conventional marriages, but if polyamory is added to the mix, the simple can quickly become complicated. What Does The Law Say About […]
What is the Child Custody Process in Ohio?
If you have minor children, you will need to plan for them as part of your divorce or dissolution. As you think about what’s best for your children, it’s important to understand some of the key terms: custody, parenting time (also called visitation) and shared parenting. Once you decide what you’d like to ask for […]
What is the Divorce Process in Ohio?
There are a lot of steps involved in getting a divorce in Ohio. This overview will help you understand what to expect. The process can take 4 to 12 months if you don’t have children, or up to 2 years if you do have children. Get help if you’re in danger If you or your […]
What You Need to Know About Child Support in Ohio.
Child support is calculated according to Ohio law to make sure that a child has everything they need to be safe and healthy. Child support is money that you or the other parent pays to help meet the financial needs of your children. Usually child support is paid to the parent who has custody of […]
What You Need to Know About Spousal Support in Ohio
Spousal support is money that one spouse pays to the other after they have decided to end their marriage. It’s meant to help you land on your feet and maintain the standard of living you were used to during the marriage. This will be important if you can’t afford to support yourself or your children […]
Guardian Ad Litem
Guardian Ad Litem: A Brief Introduction Guardians ad litem, or GALs, are often appointed by the courts in family law cases (juvenile and domestic relations) to assist the court in determining what outcome would serve the child’s, or children’s best interests. A court may limit a GAL’s authority to investigate only limited matters or it […]
Can I Get an Annulment
If you are considering ending your marriage in Ohio, you may have heard about annulments as an alternative to divorce. Annulment is a legal process that declares a marriage invalid or void, as if it never happened. While divorce ends a valid marriage, annulment erases it from the beginning. Why will a court grant an […]
Shared Parenting
At Atkins And Atkins Attorneys at Law, we understand that every family is unique and that navigating the complexities of child custody decisions can be challenging. Our team of dedicated family law attorneys are here to help you understand the differences between shared parenting and sole custody so you can make the best decision for […]