Facing false accusations can be frightening — especially in the context of a family law dispute, such as a divorce, spousal support, or custody battle. You might feel powerless, worried that the judge or jury will believe the other party’s lies. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Below are five key […]
What’s the Difference Between Alimony and Spousal Support?
In Ohio, there’s no difference between alimony and spousal support. Both terms mean the same thing: payments one spouse makes to the other after a divorce. The purpose of these payments is to help the lower-earning or financially dependent spouse maintain stability and adjust to life after marriage. While “alimony” is the older term, Ohio […]
Does Polyamory Lead To Divorce In Columbus, OH?
In Columbus, where the divorce rate stands at 2.4 per 1,000 residents, marriage follows a traditional path shaped by centuries of law and cultural norms. The legal system tends to work smoothly for conventional marriages, but if polyamory is added to the mix, the simple can quickly become complicated. What Does The Law Say About […]
What is the Divorce Process in Ohio?
There are a lot of steps involved in getting a divorce in Ohio. This overview will help you understand what to expect. The process can take 4 to 12 months if you don’t have children, or up to 2 years if you do have children. Get help if you’re in danger If you or your […]
Can I Get an Annulment
If you are considering ending your marriage in Ohio, you may have heard about annulments as an alternative to divorce. Annulment is a legal process that declares a marriage invalid or void, as if it never happened. While divorce ends a valid marriage, annulment erases it from the beginning. Why will a court grant an […]
Determining Spousal Support In Ohio
If you are going through a divorce or separation in Ohio, you may be concerned about how you will support yourself financially after the split. One option that may be available to you is spousal support, also known as alimony. Can I receive – or must I pay – spousal support? It is important to […]
What do you know about comparing yourself to your ex in divorce?
Divorce can trigger a tangle of emotions that you may struggle to sift through. Feeling emotionally off-balance can leave you with unhealthy coping strategies, such as comparing yourself with your ex. Learn how to make it through this emotional thicket and sift through the fog of frustration. Psychology Today has tips for lifting yourself out […]
Understand equitable distribution of property
When you and your spouse get a divorce, you usually have to divide your property. Ohio’s property division laws dictate which assets you might keep after the marriage. You may want to divide all of the assets in half to make the division fair. According to FindLaw, Ohio uses equitable distribution to divide a couple’s […]
How can I save money during a divorce?
Thousands of people across the United States get divorced each year. While these divorces are generally assumed to be expensive in terms of emotional output, many people do not think about the monetary costs of divorce. The reality is divorce can end up costing tens of thousands of dollars in some cases. If you are […]
Is college part of child support in Ohio?
The courts in Ohio would probably not specifically require you to pay for your child’s education in college after your divorce. This may be due to various factors, such as the fact that college is not a required step in education and that it often happens after the age of emancipation. As for what you […]