Managing finances can be hard even in the most ideal situations, but things get a lot more complicated after divorce. You have to part ways with some of your marital property and possibly deal with moving costs, all with less income than before. Spousal support can be key to finding your financial footing when things do not look great.
You have probably already given plenty of thought to that spousal support. If any of your friends or loved ones are divorced you might have asked them about their support agreements. However, this is actually not all that helpful since spousal support is different for each divorcing couple.
Why do I need spousal support?
Sure, divorce will affect both you and your ex-spouse’s finances. That impact is not equal, though. Whether you did not work or simply earned less, you are at an unfair economic disadvantage after divorce.
Spousal support limits the extent of that economic disadvantage in a number of ways. On top of regular monthly payments, a judge could also order your ex to pay rehabilitative maintenance. This type of maintenance payment should give you time to go through job training or school so that you can ultimately find a job and support yourself.
How much will I get?
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all spousal support agreement. How much your ex-spouse pays depends on a lot of different factors, all of which are unique to your situation. Some of those factors include things like:
- How long you were married
- Your needs
- Your ex’s ability to pay
- Marital lifestyle
- Your and your ex’s health and age
Of course, you can modify spousal support agreements if your ex’s ability to pay changes. It is possible that the court will take that into consideration and order your ex to purchase a life insurance policy, which would replace unpaid spousal support if he or she passes away before paying the full amount. The court might also require disability insurance, which would do the same if he or she was no longer able to work.
You need the right help
Divorce is a uniquely emotional experience. Unfortunately, this means that you or your ex could end up making decisions based on how you feel in the moment. You could end up with far less than you deserve if you do not consider the future implications of those decisions.
Thinking about the future is not exactly easy when you have so much on your plate right now. Sure, you know that you need spousal support, but how do you know if what you are set to receive is fair? This is why it is so important to work closely with a knowledgeable attorney who has experience dealing with Ohio family law. Your legal counsel can make sure that your interests are a priority during the entire divorce process.